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Feminine ambition in 2020 - Ergonofis

Feminine ambition in 2020

Today, we launch a new blog section, which we are very proud of: Let's Talk About It. We decided to address the elephants that take up a little too much space in our rooms. We dare to talk about hot topics related to the workplace, from near or far. We're interested in what professionals go through daily, or from time to time, whether they work from home or in a shared workspace. We believe that talking about these topics will help us to break the taboos that surround them. After all, we're all human, so let's talk about it.

We start the conversation with our first article about women's ambition to mark International Women's Day. Inspiring women with different backgrounds share their vision of women's ambition in 2020.

Q&A with ambitious women

Marie-Philippe Jean

Age : 30
Occupation : Storytelling consultant, storyteller and coach

IG : @mariephilippejean

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! I think I've been ambitious since I was born, is it possible? I don't know where I get the drive to do great things, but I've had it for a long time. The heart of my ambition is to create a lifestyle that makes me not wait for my holidays; I feel good wherever I am, and I'm always happy to work on projects that fit with me. Freedom is a core value of my ambition.

Q : In your opinion, is it positive or negative to be ambitious?

A : I think being ambitious is excellent when it comes from a desire to be part of something larger than oneself, and when it comes from a motivation to be involved in positive change for the environment or humanity, for example. Ambition can become harmful when it is driven by ego or a lust for power.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : My first piece of advice to those who would like to nurture their ambition would be to question their "why." That "why" is the motivation that will give a lot of juice to your purpose and help you keep growing when life throws challenges and curveballs at your face. It is also essential to know how to surround yourself well. I'm not necessarily talking about people who are involved in your project, but about people who have similar ambitions to yours. These people will bring you a lot of energy and inspiration when you need it most. Be ambitious and stay strong regarding everything you want to be or become. Above all, remain free, and everything will be alright!

Sandra Ferreira

Age: 30
Occupation: Director of Operations at the Ferreira Group

IG: @missferreira

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! I couldn't do what I do every day without being driven by ambition. I'm very grateful to have had it naturally. I've never forced myself to be ambitious and I count myself lucky. That said, I think it's something to be nurtured!

Q : What does ambition mean to you?

A : Ambition, for me, is an inner flame that I can't control. It gives me physical, emotional and intellectual energy. It allows me to undertake different projects, to overcome sometimes more difficult steps or to launch myself into creative ideas to reach other levels.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : Ambition is cultivated. I recommend that all women get involved and participate in a variety of projects that are sometimes outside their field. For example, invest time in fundraisings or in causes you believe in. It will give you energy to accomplish so many other things. On the other hand, meet ambitious people who inspire you no matter what their field is and ask them for advice; have a coffee with them. In short, be out there, attend events and meet people. It's uplifting to see that people achieve great things, no matter the scale. It often only takes one meeting to give you that spark that gets you moving towards your goal.

Anna Pacitto

Age: 50 something
Occupation: Co-owner of Pure Salon, Pure Advanced Academy and Aura Distribution

IG: @annapacittopure

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! Some people would say I have too much (laughs). But when you're passionate about what you do, it's never too much.

Q : What does ambition mean to you?

A : Being ambitious is to be passionate about something and to want to improve your lot, whether it concerns a financial situation or to improve yourself. Ambition means having goals to feel better about yourself, to ensure a better future for your children, for example. I would say that the latter is the reason that motivates and stimulates me the most.

Q : In your opinion, is it positive or negative to be ambitious?

A : Ambition is positive if it pushes us to work hard to achieve our goals. It becomes harmful when we become too greedy when we start thinking only about ourselves and more about others, or if we use irresponsible measures to get there.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : Start with goals that are easy to achieve. Every time you meet a goal, you set new ones. The idea is to keep expanding those goals until you reach your big dream. And no dream is too big. Have a will and do not let yourself believe that because you're a woman, you can't reach them. You have to roll up your sleeves, and if you have to work harder, you do. We must use all healthy and responsible means to achieve our highest ambitions. Ladies, roll up your sleeves and do not be afraid to work. The fact that it's a man's world is no excuse. You have to go for it, move on and get there.

Naomi Francoeur-Vallière

Age: 25
Occupation: Corporate Development Senior Analyst at GardaWorld

IG: @naofv

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! I have a natural desire to progress, to maximize positive events in my life, to improve myself and to move upwards. I didn't wake up thinking ''I'm ambitious.'' I believe that it is merely the accumulation of my thoughts and actions that make me ambitious.

Q : What does ambition mean to you?

A : For me, ambition is aspiring for more. It's seeing bigger than what you have and having a positive vision of your professional and personal future.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : In a male-dominated work environment, we need to break down psychological barriers and stereotypical restraints that are only the product of our imagination. Female ambition is perfectly legitimate. In fact, there is no problem at all. Women have just as much place as men in every field!

Q : How do you see the future of female ambition?

A : My greatest wish is that every woman allows herself to be ambitious, that she gives herself the right to aspire to more. I wish there was no distinction between men and women’s ambition. In 2020, there is no longer any place for that, and I sincerely believe that women are entitled to it!


On this International Women's Day, we celebrate women's ambition. We talk about the fire that propels them further; the energy that gives them the impetus they need to achieve their highest ambitions, no matter the scale, little by little. Make some room for your ambition, ladies.

We want to thank these women with contagious ambitions for their valuable contribution to this first article in our new Let's talk about it section. After all, we need to discuss the taboo subjects that take an important place in our daily lives. We hope that you will fall in love with this initiative as much as we did. Now, it's your turn ; let us hear your impressions and comments. Let us know what subject you'd like us to address and let's talk about it. Happy International Women's Day!

Today, we launch a new blog section, which we are very proud of: Let's Talk About It. We decided to address the elephants that take up a little too much space in our rooms. We dare to talk about hot topics related to the workplace, from near or far. We're interested in what professionals go through daily, or from time to time, whether they work from home or in a shared workspace. We believe that talking about these topics will help us to break the taboos that surround them. After all, we're all human, so let's talk about it.

We start the conversation with our first article about women's ambition to mark International Women's Day. Inspiring women with different backgrounds share their vision of women's ambition in 2020.

Q&A with ambitious women

Ambition - Marie-Philippe Jean

Marie-Philippe Jean

Age : 30
Occupation : Storytelling consultant, storyteller and coach
IG : @mariephilippejean

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! I think I've been ambitious since I was born, is it possible? I don't know where I get the drive to do great things, but I've had it for a long time. The heart of my ambition is to create a lifestyle that makes me not wait for my holidays; I feel good wherever I am, and I'm always happy to work on projects that fit with me. Freedom is a core value of my ambition.

Q : In your opinion, is it positive or negative to be ambitious?

A : I think being ambitious is excellent when it comes from a desire to be part of something larger than oneself, and when it comes from a motivation to be involved in positive change for the environment or humanity, for example. Ambition can become harmful when it is driven by ego or a lust for power.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : My first piece of advice to those who would like to nurture their ambition would be to question their "why." That "why" is the motivation that will give a lot of juice to your purpose and help you keep growing when life throws challenges and curveballs at your face. It is also essential to know how to surround yourself well. I'm not necessarily talking about people who are involved in your project, but about people who have similar ambitions to yours. These people will bring you a lot of energy and inspiration when you need it most. Be ambitious and stay strong regarding everything you want to be or become. Above all, remain free, and everything will be alright!

Ambition - Sandra Ferreira

Sandra Ferreira

Age: 30
Occupation: Director of Operations at the Ferreira Group
IG: @missferreira

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! I couldn't do what I do every day without being driven by ambition. I'm very grateful to have had it naturally. I've never forced myself to be ambitious and I count myself lucky. That said, I think it's something to be nurtured!

Q : What does ambition mean to you?

A : Ambition, for me, is an inner flame that I can't control. It gives me physical, emotional and intellectual energy. It allows me to undertake different projects, to overcome sometimes more difficult steps or to launch myself into creative ideas to reach other levels.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : Ambition is cultivated. I recommend that all women get involved and participate in a variety of projects that are sometimes outside their field. For example, invest time in fundraisings or in causes you believe in. It will give you energy to accomplish so many other things. On the other hand, meet ambitious people who inspire you no matter what their field is and ask them for advice; have a coffee with them. In short, be out there, attend events and meet people. It's uplifting to see that people achieve great things, no matter the scale. It often only takes one meeting to give you that spark that gets you moving towards your goal.

Ambition - Anna Pacitto

Anna Pacitto

Age: 50 something
Occupation: Co-owner of Pure Salon, Pure Advanced Academy and Aura Distribution

IG: @annapacittopure

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! Some people would say I have too much (laughs). But when you're passionate about what you do, it's never too much.

Q : What does ambition mean to you?

A : Being ambitious is to be passionate about something and to want to improve your lot, whether it concerns a financial situation or to improve yourself. Ambition means having goals to feel better about yourself, to ensure a better future for your children, for example. I would say that the latter is the reason that motivates and stimulates me the most.

Q : In your opinion, is it positive or negative to be ambitious?

A : Ambition is positive if it pushes us to work hard to achieve our goals. It becomes harmful when we become too greedy when we start thinking only about ourselves and more about others, or if we use irresponsible measures to get there.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : Start with goals that are easy to achieve. Every time you meet a goal, you set new ones. The idea is to keep expanding those goals until you reach your big dream. And no dream is too big. Have a will and do not let yourself believe that because you're a woman, you can't reach them. You have to roll up your sleeves, and if you have to work harder, you do. We must use all healthy and responsible means to achieve our highest ambitions. Ladies, roll up your sleeves and do not be afraid to work. The fact that it's a man's world is no excuse. You have to go for it, move on and get there.

Ambition - Naomi Francoeur-Vallière

Naomi Francoeur-Vallière

Age: 25
Occupation: Corporate Development Senior Analyst at GardaWorld

IG: @naofv

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! I have a natural desire to progress, to maximize positive events in my life, to improve myself and to move upwards. I didn't wake up thinking ''I'm ambitious.'' I believe that it is merely the accumulation of my thoughts and actions that make me ambitious.

Q : What does ambition mean to you?

A : For me, ambition is aspiring for more. It's seeing bigger than what you have and having a positive vision of your professional and personal future.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : In a male-dominated work environment, we need to break down psychological barriers and stereotypical restraints that are only the product of our imagination. Female ambition is perfectly legitimate. In fact, there is no problem at all. Women have just as much place as men in every field!

Q : How do you see the future of female ambition?

A : My greatest wish is that every woman allows herself to be ambitious, that she gives herself the right to aspire to more. I wish there was no distinction between men and women’s ambition. In 2020, there is no longer any place for that, and I sincerely believe that women are entitled to it!


On this International Women's Day, we celebrate the fire that propels them further; the energy that gives them the impetus they need to achieve their highest ambitions, no matter the scale, little by little. Make room for your ambition, ladies!

We want to thank these women with contagious ambitions for their valuable contribution to this first article in our Let's talk about it section. After all, we need to discuss the taboo subjects that take an important place in our daily lives. We hope that you will fall in love with this initiative as much as we did. Now, it's your turn. Let us hear your impressions and comments. Let's talk about it.

Q&A with Marie-Philippe Jean

Age : 30
Occupation : Storytelling consultant, storyteller and coach
Instagram : @mariephilippejean

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! I think I've been ambitious since I was born, is it possible? I don't know where I get the drive to do great things, but I've had it for a long time. The heart of my ambition is to create a lifestyle that makes me not wait for my holidays; I feel good wherever I am, and I'm always happy to work on projects that fit with me. Freedom is a core value of my ambition.

Q : In your opinion, is it positive or negative to be ambitious?

A : I think being ambitious is excellent when it comes from a desire to be part of something larger than oneself, and when it comes from a motivation to be involved in positive change for the environment or humanity, for example. Ambition can become harmful when it is driven by ego or a lust for power.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : My first piece of advice to those who would like to nurture their ambition would be to question their "why." That "why" is the motivation that will give a lot of juice to your purpose and help you keep growing when life throws challenges and curveballs at your face. It is also essential to know how to surround yourself well. I'm not necessarily talking about people who are involved in your project, but about people who have similar ambitions to yours. These people will bring you a lot of energy and inspiration when you need it most. Be ambitious and stay strong regarding everything you want to be or become. Above all, remain free, and everything will be alright!

Q&A with Sandra Ferreira

Age: 30
Occupation: Director of Operations at the Ferreira Group 
Instagram: @missferreira

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! I couldn't do what I do every day without being driven by ambition. I'm very grateful to have had it naturally. I've never forced myself to be ambitious and I count myself lucky. That said, I think it's something to be nurtured!

Q : What does ambition mean to you?

A : Ambition, for me, is an inner flame that I can't control. It gives me physical, emotional and intellectual energy. It allows me to undertake different projects, to overcome sometimes more difficult steps or to launch myself into creative ideas to reach other levels.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : Ambition is cultivated. I recommend that all women get involved and participate in a variety of projects that are sometimes outside their field. For example, invest time in fundraisings or in causes you believe in. It will give you energy to accomplish so many other things. On the other hand, meet ambitious people who inspire you no matter what their field is and ask them for advice; have a coffee with them. In short, be out there, attend events and meet people. It's uplifting to see that people achieve great things, no matter the scale. It often only takes one meeting to give you that spark that gets you moving towards your goal.

Anna Pacitto

Age: 50 something
Occupation: Co-owner of Pure Salon, Pure Advanced Academy and Aura Distribution

Instagram: @annapacittopure

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! Some people would say I have too much (laughs). But when you're passionate about what you do, it's never too much.

Q : What does ambition mean to you?

A : Being ambitious is to be passionate about something and to want to improve your lot, whether it concerns a financial situation or to improve yourself. Ambition means having goals to feel better about yourself, to ensure a better future for your children, for example. I would say that the latter is the reason that motivates and stimulates me the most.

Q : In your opinion, is it positive or negative to be ambitious?

A : Ambition is positive if it pushes us to work hard to achieve our goals. It becomes harmful when we become too greedy when we start thinking only about ourselves and more about others, or if we use irresponsible measures to get there.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : Start with goals that are easy to achieve. Every time you meet a goal, you set new ones. The idea is to keep expanding those goals until you reach your big dream. And no dream is too big. Have a will and do not let yourself believe that because you're a woman, you can't reach them. You have to roll up your sleeves, and if you have to work harder, you do. We must use all healthy and responsible means to achieve our highest ambitions. Ladies, roll up your sleeves and do not be afraid to work. The fact that it's a man's world is no excuse. You have to go for it, move on and get there.

Naomi Francoeur-Vallière

Age: 25
Occupation: Corporate Development Senior Analyst at GardaWorld

Instagram: @naofv

Q : Would you say you are ambitious?

A : Yes! I have a natural desire to progress, to maximize positive events in my life, to improve myself and to move upwards. I didn't wake up thinking ''I'm ambitious.'' I believe that it is merely the accumulation of my thoughts and actions that make me ambitious.

Q : What does ambition mean to you?

A : For me, ambition is aspiring for more. It's seeing bigger than what you have and having a positive vision of your professional and personal future.

Q : What advice would you give to those who want to nurture their ambition?

A : In a male-dominated work environment, we need to break down psychological barriers and stereotypical restraints that are only the product of our imagination. Female ambition is perfectly legitimate. In fact, there is no problem at all. Women have just as much place as men in every field!

Q : How do you see the future of female ambition?

A : My greatest wish is that every woman allows herself to be ambitious, that she gives herself the right to aspire to more. I wish there was no distinction between men and women’s ambition. In 2020, there is no longer any place for that, and I sincerely believe that women are entitled to it!


On this International Women's Day, we celebrate the fire that propels them further; the energy that gives them the impetus they need to achieve their highest ambitions, no matter the scale, little by little. Make room for your ambition, ladies!

We want to thank these women with contagious ambitions for their valuable contribution to this first article in our Let's talk about it section. After all, we need to discuss the taboo subjects that take an important place in our daily lives. We hope that you will fall in love with this initiative as much as we did. Now, it's your turn. Let us hear your impressions and comments. Let's talk about it.



Thank you for your kind words. It’s such a pleasure to work with you!

Douglas Stevens

Wow, I am so lucky to be involved with an organization dedicated to more than just the products we make. What a great example of the people in our world (male or female) who we should all aspire to be more like. Thank-you Ergonofis!!

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