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Labour Day: The ergonofis’ team best career tips! - Ergonofis

Labour Day: The ergonofis’ team best career tips!

Our mission is to promote a healthy relationship with work: this means finding purpose in your work, creating a nourishing work environment, and carving time for leisure and family/friend time. It also includes celebrating your work accomplishments, which is what Labour Day is all about! So we believe it’s a holiday worth honoring! 

To celebrate Labour Day this year, we asked the ergonofis team for the career advice that most shaped their professional paths so far. We hope these tips speak to you as much as they did with us!


Samuel - Co-Founder & CEO

best career tips from CEO

When driving at night, you know where you’re going, but only see 100m ahead. Apply this to your career: set a destination and focus on 100m at a time.

When I was 17 years old and contemplating a big decision, my dad said something that stuck with me: We drive 60 miles an hour in pitch dark at night. We know the final destination, yet our headlights only allow us to see the next 100 meters. Stop trying to plan every single detail. Set a destination and get going. Figure things out as you uncover the next 100 meters.


Kimberley and Zermatt - Co-Founder & VP Marketing

Self-doubt kills more successes than failure ever will.

This quote by Sara Blakely really resonated because I am someone who questions myself constantly, which sometimes gets in the way of my projects. It pushes me to believe in myself, my aptitudes, and my competence.

Justine - Product & Brand Designer

best career tips from product designer

Focus on your achievements, not your setbacks. 

I was often too absorbed in what didn’t work that I would forget to celebrate what did. Changing my mindset to focusing on my achievements helped me feel more confident, valorized, and fulfilled at work.

Paul - 
Logistics Clerk 

best career tips from logistic clerk

Rest is equally important as career advancement. A well-rested mind can do wonders.

It’s often overlooked how important getting enough rest is. It's advice I could use myself. Sleep is something I neglected for years and I know I can achieve so much more if I just sleep like the dead.


Laurence - Office Manager

best career tips from HR specialist

Soft-skills are the key to success in human resource management. 

One of my University's professors told me the key to success in HR goes beyond knowledge and know-how, it lies in continually focusing on people by developing real relationships within the organization, in taking the time to talk with every employee when possible, and in favoring informal discussions that lead to strong bonds. Soft-skills are essential to reach a higher level in human resource management to achieve a higher level because the positive impacts will affect every level and will favor a "bottom-up" in the organization!


Dylan - Distribution Clerk

best career tips from distribution clerk

Don't wait. The time will never be just right.

I have too often doubted myself and was always waiting for the right timing. Now I jump into new projects without overthinking. I adapt along the way, and I find it way more stimulating.


Andrei - Director of Operations

Communication is the most important tool in business. 

Giving a great speech to communicate an idea only looks easy when there are countless rehearsal hours behind it.  

Mikella - Customer Success Specialist

Focus on your growth and try to learn something new everyday.

We’re often focused on our end goals, our perfect ending, rather than trying to focus on every little step that will bring us to that point. Focusing on your incremental improvements will keep you motivated and ready to tackle new goals. Keep this in mind when you are doubting your path to success.


Corinne - Digital Marketing Specialist

best career tips from digital marketing specialist

You don’t stay with an incompatible guy for his family, so you shouldn't stay in an unfulfilling job for your colleagues.

A friend told me this at a time when I was considering leaving a job that didn’t fulfill me but came with great colleagues. While your colleagues and the company culture matters, if you don’t love what you do every day, you won’t be happy long term.

Raphaëlle - Community Manager & Designer

best career tips from community manager and designer

Your handshake is one of your best professional asset. 

All my life, and starting at a very young age, my father taught me the importance of a good handshake. He would make me practice. Strangely, it’s now one of my best professional assets. 

Jean - Distribution Center Coordinator 

best career tips from distribution center clerk

It’s more rewarding to excel at an entry-level job than do poorly at a high-level job.

It’s not necessarily something that I was told, but it’s something I’ve come to realize through my experiences and observations.

Jason - Head of Digital

best career tips from head of digital

For some people, finding a job or specialization that they truly love is difficult. For me, it has always been the opposite: I have too many fields of interest, and I have a constant FOMO, which makes my career choices difficult. That was before I read the following career advice from Marissa Mayer (ex-CEO of Yahoo!):

There is no right choice; there are a bunch of good choices, and there’s the one that you pick and make great.



What was the career advice that helped you the most? We’d love to know!

And don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments this Labour Day !

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