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The Moving Together Challenge - Ergonofis

Le Défi Minutes actives

This March, we're inviting you to move with us - oh, and you could gagner un bureau à hauteur ajustable Shift 2.0 if you do!

Ce que vous devez savoir
Événement : Moving Together Challenge
Pourquoi : To motivate each other to move and boost our morale.
Concours : Win a Shift 2.0 desk of your choice
Comment : Share a picture of you on instagram being active in your story (any sports or activity counts, even just a walk outside), tag @ergonofis and add the hashtag #mesminutesactives
Quand : From March 1st to March 31st, 2021

Qu’est-ce que c’est, le Défi Minutes actives?
Laurence, our HR & Office Manager who always has our wellness at heart, came up with the challenge to boost our mental health during these difficult months. Incorporating movement in our workday is crucial to us. The simple act of moving regularly contributes to soulager les symptômes du stress, de l’anxiété et de la dépression,
alors pourquoi ne pas nous motiver mutuellement à bouger davantage tous les jours?


She divided our team into groups and asked us to set goals of how many active minutes we wanted to achieve in February. The main objective of the challenge: se motiver mutuellement à bouger davantage tous les jours. And we're inviting you to be part of the movement this March.

Whatever activity (or activities) you choose, as long as you're moving, will count towards your « minutes actives ». goal. Even if it's just a walk around your neighborhood on your lunch break.

Nous avons aussi fait équipe avec Eve Guilbert, qui animera 2 Yoga classes and 2 After-Work Stretching sessions on our Instagram page!

Comment puis-je prendre part au Défi Minutes actives?
Set yourself an objective of how many « minutes actives ». you want to accomplish in March. If you want to challenge your own group - be it your colleagues, family, friends, or pandemic posse - we have a template you can use to create teams and track your minutes. If you do it alone, know that our team is right there cycling/cross-country skiing/doing pilates/walking with you!

Comment puis-je participer au concours pour courir la chance de gagner un bureau à hauteur ajustable Shift 2.0?
We want to encourage you to incorporate movement into your workday not only in March, but by making it a habit. So we're giving away a Shift 2.0 standing desk of your choice to keep you moving all day long, every day of the workweek!

Pour participer au concours:
1. You need to first participate in the Moving Together Challenge and follow us on Instagram.
2. To earn an entry into the contest, post a story of you doing your activity, tag us (@ergonofis) and add the hashtag
3. Vous pouvez publier une story par jour, et chaque publication vous donnera une participation supplémentaire au concours (maximum de 1 publication/participation par jour jusqu’au 31 mars 2021 à minuit HNE).*

Nous avons bien hâte de commencer et de bouger ensemble en mars!


Contest: Moving Together Challenge. The winner will be chosen randomly on April 2nd and announced on April 5th, 11 AM EST, via our Instagram. Participants must be 13 and over and live in Canada or the United States. The winner will get a Shift Desk 2.0, size & colour of their choice.

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